An interesting opportunity has come up for actors in Christchurch who are interested in auditioning for a television production. Hope and Wire is a six-part drama series being produced for TV3 (with funding from NZ On Air), based on inspirational true stories that occurred as a result of the February earthquake. Auditions will begin next Wednesday 5th December. Filming will commence in late February 2013.
At present they are casting lead roles and in particular require men and women in their mid 40s to early 50s and teenage girls aged 16 – 19 years plus student age male actors aged 18 years – early 20s. Further roles/extras will also be required at a later date but these are the key roles at present.
Potential auditionees are asked to contact their agents - if you do not have an agent you can email the casting production office on
They require a current photograph, close up head & shoulders, your contact details, age and a CV with your recent performance work.
A hotbed of theatrical information for actors, directors and theatre geeks across Christchurch, featuring upcoming show information and audition notices.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Auditions and Shows 13-NOV-12
Upcoming Auditions: The Christchurch Pops Choir
Christchurch Pops Choir is holding auditions next month, giving singers across Christchurch a rare chance to join one of the South Island's top musical ensembles. The Choir has performed at events across Canterbury, from corporate functions to community events like The Concert and is quickly becoming renowned not only for their sweet sounds and vocal prowess, but for being a tight-knit community of down-to-earth musicians.
In order to audition, you will need to fill out this webform, and prepare 16 bars each from two contrasting songs of your choice. Auditions will be held at NASDA at CPIT on Saturday the 8th December.
To learn more about Christchurch Pops Choir, see their Page on Facebook.
Tickets on Sale: Riccarton Players present Footrot Flats
Based on Murray Ball's much loved comic strip, Footrot Flats is a real Kiwi comedy.
Christchurch Pops Choir is holding auditions next month, giving singers across Christchurch a rare chance to join one of the South Island's top musical ensembles. The Choir has performed at events across Canterbury, from corporate functions to community events like The Concert and is quickly becoming renowned not only for their sweet sounds and vocal prowess, but for being a tight-knit community of down-to-earth musicians.
In order to audition, you will need to fill out this webform, and prepare 16 bars each from two contrasting songs of your choice. Auditions will be held at NASDA at CPIT on Saturday the 8th December.
To learn more about Christchurch Pops Choir, see their Page on Facebook.
Tickets on Sale: Riccarton Players present Footrot Flats
Based on Murray Ball's much loved comic strip, Footrot Flats is a real Kiwi comedy.
Performances are Tues 20th - Sat 24th November at Rudolf Steiner School. Shows start at 7.30pm with a 2pm matinee on the Saturday.
Tickets $27.50/$22.50 Children - $15. Tickets can be booked online via the Riccarton Players' website. Directed by Doug Clarke, with Musical Direction by Cheryllynn Callander, Choreography by Annette Searle.
Tickets $27.50/$22.50 Children - $15. Tickets can be booked online via the Riccarton Players' website. Directed by Doug Clarke, with Musical Direction by Cheryllynn Callander, Choreography by Annette Searle.
Coming Soon: TheVisitor
This dark, psychological thriller, which has played at Wellington and Dunedin Fringe Festivals is coming to Christchurch soon. To find out more about the play, see this Page on Facebook.
The Visitor is on at the darkroom from Nov 25 - 27 and at theWunderbar from Dec 2-3. Information on the Christchurch production is available here.
The Visitor is on at the darkroom from Nov 25 - 27 and at theWunderbar from Dec 2-3. Information on the Christchurch production is available here.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Auditions Galore
A very quick update on what's going on; a big couple of weeks ahead for auditions, especially if you're a singer!
Showbiz: Avenue Q
Showbiz is holding auditions this weekend for Avenue Q. They are looking for some hard-working performers who can multi-task: you'll need to be able to sing, act and puppeteer! For more information, see the Showbiz auditions page.
The New Zealand Opera
Southern Opera has recently merged with the relatively young NZ Opera, who are holding auditions for its Christchurch chorus for 2013. The auditions are this Sunday and Monday (4/5 November), no previous opera experience is necessary. Contact Glen Meade for more information or to book an audition time.
NCMS: Oliver!
The North Canterbury Musical Society will be producing Oliver! in Autumn 2013. Auditions for all roles and chorus are from the 9th to the 11th November. They are seeking children and adults (lower age limit is 7 years). For more information and to book a time, email
Showbiz: Avenue Q
Showbiz is holding auditions this weekend for Avenue Q. They are looking for some hard-working performers who can multi-task: you'll need to be able to sing, act and puppeteer! For more information, see the Showbiz auditions page.
The New Zealand Opera
Southern Opera has recently merged with the relatively young NZ Opera, who are holding auditions for its Christchurch chorus for 2013. The auditions are this Sunday and Monday (4/5 November), no previous opera experience is necessary. Contact Glen Meade for more information or to book an audition time.
Elmwood Players: The Near-Sighted Knight and the Far-Sighted Dragon
A reminder that these auditions are THIS weekend - it's set to be a very fun show, and there's still time to book: contact Susan on 021 339 193 or .
A reminder that these auditions are THIS weekend - it's set to be a very fun show, and there's still time to book: contact Susan on 021 339 193 or .
NCMS: Oliver!
The North Canterbury Musical Society will be producing Oliver! in Autumn 2013. Auditions for all roles and chorus are from the 9th to the 11th November. They are seeking children and adults (lower age limit is 7 years). For more information and to book a time, email
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Announcements 3-OCT-12
Many theatrical things are afoot this month and next, from upcoming summer shows to events like the University of Canterbury's Platform Arts FEstival. Here is a quick summary:
Auditions: Elmwood Players' Summer Children's Production
On the 4th November, Elmwood Players will be holding auditions for their Children's Theatre production The Near-Sighted Knight and the Far-Sighted Dragon. There are great roles available for up to seven adult actors - if you've got a lot of energy and can sing as well, that'd be a bonus.
Roles Available:
THE KNIGHT | Young, unemployed knight, near sighted, acts without thinking. |
PRINCESS | Young and stroppy. Meticulous planner. Uses mathematical formulas to solve all problems. |
THE DRAGON | Old, semi-retired, far-sighted, friendly and mellow. |
THE DUCHESS | Scheming to take over the kingdom. |
WILFRED | Duchess’ son. Lazy and generally bored. |
THE KING | Kindly but likes the idea of being treated as the King. |
CAPTAIN OF THE GUARDS | The Duchess’ right hand man. A bit of a bumbler. |
More information about the play, cast and company is available on the Elmwood Players website. To book an audition time or find out more, email Susan at
University of Canterbury's Platform Arts Festival
UC's Platform Festival is on right now, presenting a wide variety of artistic exhibitions, including lectures, film screenings and theatrical performances. Next week, this year's graduating Theatre and Film Studies class presents Bluebeard's Castle, directed by Peter Falkenberg. From the University's website:
Welcome to Bluebeard’s Castle, a neo-gothic panopticon, where you can visit Bluebeard’s wives waiting for their master while telling their stories, from the kitchen, the dressing room, the laboratory, the bedroom, the torture chamber and the winter garden.
But where is Bluebeard and what awaits in the last room of the castle?
Performances are October 9-13th. Shows start at 7.30pm in Drama Workshop 2 in the Jack Mann Building on the College of Education campus off Solway Ave. Tickets are $20/$15 and $10 for school students, available from dash tickets. To find out more about this and other Platform events, see the University website.
Proposals for Musoc's 2013 Summer Musical
After a sell-out season of Chicago, cleaning up at the 2013 UCSA Madcaps Awards and winning twice at the 2013 Supreme Club Awards, Musoc is upping the ante for 2013. The newly inducted committee has put a call out for proposals for their next show. If you have a musical in mind that you'd love to see performed in Christchurch, then this is a chance for you to see it happen. Musoc isn't too strict about the format of proposals but there are a few details they'd like to see that will give your proposal a better chance of being selected, these are all available here on the club's wesbsite. Musoc is also open to proposals for other ideas that could enhance the musical theatre experience on campus and Christchurch-wide so if you have ideas for smaller productions, cabarets, workshops and other events, now is the time to let them know. You can email Sam at or have a look at their page on Facebook to get a better idea of what the club is all about.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
SHOWS! 12-Sept-12
Next month, Elmwood Players presents Jeffrey Bernard is Unwell
"Jeffrey Bernard Is Unwell" centres around real-life journalist
Jeffery Bernard, who wrote the "Low Life" column in The Spectator.
The play's title refers to the magazine's habit of printing a oneline apology on a blank page when he was too drunk or hungover to produce the required copy and a substitute article could not be found before the deadline for publication.
Its premise is that Bernard has found himself locked in overnight at his favourite public house, the Coach And Horses, and uses the occasion to share anecdotes from his life with the audience.
The play's title refers to the magazine's habit of printing a oneline apology on a blank page when he was too drunk or hungover to produce the required copy and a substitute article could not be found before the deadline for publication.
Its premise is that Bernard has found himself locked in overnight at his favourite public house, the Coach And Horses, and uses the occasion to share anecdotes from his life with the audience.
Performances are Wed-Sat, Oct 3rd - 13th. Shows start at 7.30pm at the Elmwood Auditorium.
Tickets $20/$15. To book tickets call 03 355 8874 or use the online booking form. Directed by Heather Giles.
Tickets $20/$15. To book tickets call 03 355 8874 or use the online booking form. Directed by Heather Giles.
This summer, the Riccarton Players are performing the upbeat Roger Hall musical Footrot Flats.

This very fun, very Kiwi, farmyard musical features all the favourite Footrot Flats characters led by Wal and Dog: from Pongo, Wal's niece, to Cooch the tree-hugger; from Aunt Dolly and her precious Corgi to Wal's townie girlfriend Cheeky Hobson, plus a paddock-load of dancing sheep, pigs and of course Horse the Cat.
Performances are Tuesday 20th to Saturday 24th November. Shows start at 7.30pm at Rudolf Steiner School plus a 2pm matinee on the Saturday. Tickets are $27.50 Waged/$22.50 Unwaged/$15 Students.To book tickets, see the Riccarton Players' website. Note that the Friday night performance has already sold out.
Auditions 13-SEPT-12
There's so much going on at the moment, I'll be posting twice today (there's a brilliant season of theatre ahead of us!)
Auditions: Musoc's Show Choir"If you want to see yourself under the spotlight, join a fun, social group and get to learn sweet songs under expert musical direction, this is a golden opportunity."
Musoc is seeking male voices to complete their show choir. Auditions will be held all day on the 23rd September on campus. Auditionees will be required to perform a song of their own choosing and may have their musical ability assessed with some simple sight-reading exercises.
Auditions: Rangiora Players' summer youth production
Rangiora Players are holding auditions next weekend for a gothic, supernatural pantomime: Pantostein.
Auditions are open for 12-17 year olds and will be held on the 22nd September in Rangiora.
Roles required include:
CHORUS (zombies/villagers)
More information about the characters, the play and the audition process is available on the Rangiora Players website. To book an audition time call David on (03) 312 1660.
Auditions: Musoc's Show Choir"If you want to see yourself under the spotlight, join a fun, social group and get to learn sweet songs under expert musical direction, this is a golden opportunity."
Musoc is seeking male voices to complete their show choir. Auditions will be held all day on the 23rd September on campus. Auditionees will be required to perform a song of their own choosing and may have their musical ability assessed with some simple sight-reading exercises.
Email Sam at now to book
an audition time & find out more or see the event of Facebook.
Auditions: Rangiora Players' summer youth production
Rangiora Players are holding auditions next weekend for a gothic, supernatural pantomime: Pantostein.
Roles required include:
CHORUS (zombies/villagers)
More information about the characters, the play and the audition process is available on the Rangiora Players website. To book an audition time call David on (03) 312 1660.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Auditions: Dramasoc's 3Some
Dramasoc is holding auditions for their annual short play event 3Some TONIGHT (apologies for the late notice, the announcement was only made Sunday night!). Email to book at time and see the event on Facebook to find out more about the plays being performed.
Auditions: Harlequin Players's summer musical
Harlequin Players are holding auditions next weekend for their summer production of the Roger Hall musical The Adventures of Robin Hood.
Auditions will be held on 22 Sept at St. Aidan's Hall, Aorangi Rd from 1-6pm and 23 Sept at Abberley Park Hall, Abberley Cresc from 10-3.30pm.
Roles required include ROBIN HOOD, MAID MARION, SHERIFF, BESS, SIR GUY, ALAN-A-DALE, LITTLE JOHN and HARRIET. They are also looking for actors to play Robin Hood's 10 Merry Men, Barons and Partners, 10 experienced dancers and 6 young actors to play little rabbits. Actors of all ages and experience-levels are encouraged to audition.
To book an audition time call 331-6162 or 386-0526 or email
Production dates are 13-20 January 2012 in St Albans
The club will also be looking for people to help with backstage roles, wardrobe assistants and costume designers, and a front of house team.
Dramasoc is holding auditions for their annual short play event 3Some TONIGHT (apologies for the late notice, the announcement was only made Sunday night!). Email to book at time and see the event on Facebook to find out more about the plays being performed.
Auditions: Harlequin Players's summer musical
Harlequin Players are holding auditions next weekend for their summer production of the Roger Hall musical The Adventures of Robin Hood.
Auditions will be held on 22 Sept at St. Aidan's Hall, Aorangi Rd from 1-6pm and 23 Sept at Abberley Park Hall, Abberley Cresc from 10-3.30pm.
Roles required include ROBIN HOOD, MAID MARION, SHERIFF, BESS, SIR GUY, ALAN-A-DALE, LITTLE JOHN and HARRIET. They are also looking for actors to play Robin Hood's 10 Merry Men, Barons and Partners, 10 experienced dancers and 6 young actors to play little rabbits. Actors of all ages and experience-levels are encouraged to audition.
To book an audition time call 331-6162 or 386-0526 or email
Production dates are 13-20 January 2012 in St Albans
The club will also be looking for people to help with backstage roles, wardrobe assistants and costume designers, and a front of house team.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Musoc presents CHICAGO Video Trailer!
The Musical Theatre Society at the University of Canterbury has put together a video trailer for their current production CHICAGO to give the world a sneak-peek at the show. I personally love this as a publicity idea and it only takes a tech-savvy member of your production team to put something like this together yourself.
Have a look at the video to get an idea of how a video trailer might work for your club (and to get a peek at Chicago - I've been to see it and I can tell you it is a very strong show!).
Have a look at the video to get an idea of how a video trailer might work for your club (and to get a peek at Chicago - I've been to see it and I can tell you it is a very strong show!).
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Musoc presents CHICAGO
Musoc is proud to present their 2012 spring season of CHICAGO
Set in Prohibition-era Chicago with a sumptuous jazz score and exhilarating dance numbers, Chicago... is the titillating story of sultry jailbirds Velma Kelly and Roxie Hart who let nothing short of murder get between them and their lust for the lime light.
These foxy ladies are joined by the smooth talking lawyer Billy Flynn, the sensitive 'Mr Cellophane' Amos Hart, and Matron Mama Morton with her chorus of merry murderesses to provide you with a devious and delightful show. Chicago tells the story of murder, greed, corruption, violence, exploitation, adultery, and treachery - all those things we hold near and dear to our hearts.
Performances are Wed-Sat, September 5-14th. Shows start at 7.30pm Wed,Thur,Sat at the Jack Mann Auditorium. Friday nights are R18, with shows starting at 9.30 and a bar onsite. Tickets are $12/$15 with a discount for group and school bookings. To find out more, see the Musoc Chicago website. Tickets are available through Dash Tickets and on campus from 11am to 2pm (cash only).
Friday, August 24, 2012
Theatre Goings-On 24-AUG-12
There are quite a few theatrical happenings coming up in the next few weeks, from the spectacular to gritty drama...
Tonight and tomorrow, A Little Box At The Top Of The Stairs Productions presents adult drama "Extremities" by William Mastrosimone, directed by Garry Thomas. Performances in the Elmwood Auditorium, show starts at 7.30.
Tickets are $18/$14: call 021 453138 to book. Have a look-see at their group on Facebook to learn about this new theatre company.
Also this weekend, Musoc presents an 80s showcase of song and dance, in the UC Undercroft. Tickets are just $5 on the door, no need to book, and it'd be a fun and uplifting start to a night out, so bring your friends!
Dramasoc would like to remind the writers of Christchurch that there are only a few days to go to submit entries for this year's 3some, for more information or to register your interest, email
And that's all from the theatre world for now - although a lot of companies are now getting geared up for their summer musicals and holiday shows so there's plenty of excitement to be had in the very near future!
If you have a play you'd like to let the world know about, or would like to request a review or critique of your show, just send me an email:
Tonight and tomorrow, A Little Box At The Top Of The Stairs Productions presents adult drama "Extremities" by William Mastrosimone, directed by Garry Thomas. Performances in the Elmwood Auditorium, show starts at 7.30.
Tickets are $18/$14: call 021 453138 to book. Have a look-see at their group on Facebook to learn about this new theatre company.
Also this weekend, Musoc presents an 80s showcase of song and dance, in the UC Undercroft. Tickets are just $5 on the door, no need to book, and it'd be a fun and uplifting start to a night out, so bring your friends!
Dramasoc would like to remind the writers of Christchurch that there are only a few days to go to submit entries for this year's 3some, for more information or to register your interest, email
And that's all from the theatre world for now - although a lot of companies are now getting geared up for their summer musicals and holiday shows so there's plenty of excitement to be had in the very near future!
If you have a play you'd like to let the world know about, or would like to request a review or critique of your show, just send me an email:
Elmwood Auditorium,
show choir,
Friday, August 17, 2012
Theatre Fundraiser & Musoc Showcase
Next week, a fundraiser show for the Isaac Theatre Royal is being held in Christchurch!
Performance starts at 8pm, all tickets $33 - for more information and to book tickets see the Event Finder site.
And this month, Musoc presents a premier performance from its new performance group in an 80s Showcase...
"...Don your leg warmers and tease up that perm, and let 18 of UC's best singers perform all your 80s favourites - including hits from Dave Dobbyn, Blondie, Belinda Carlisle, Madonna, Toto and more!"
Performances are Fri 24th and Sat 25th August. Shows start at 7.30pm in the Undercroft at the University of Canterbury. Tickets are $5 on the door, audiences are advised to arrive early to ensure they secure a seat. Musical direction by Sam Creed and Cameron Stewart.
The Bitches’ Box is a fast paced comedy show: Amelia Guild and Emma Newborn throw the spotlight on man’s best friend and take the audience on a whistle-stop tour of the four legged characters you may encounter down in the yards. “We asked the question, what would two dogs talk about if they were holed up in the bitches’ box for 20 days?” The answer has resulted in a unique, side-splitting look inside the inner workings of a dogs mind.The Bitches' Box will be a one-off performance on the 25th August in the Christ's College Old Boys Theatre, with proceeds going to the restoration of the Isaac Theatre Royal.
Performance starts at 8pm, all tickets $33 - for more information and to book tickets see the Event Finder site.
And this month, Musoc presents a premier performance from its new performance group in an 80s Showcase...
"...Don your leg warmers and tease up that perm, and let 18 of UC's best singers perform all your 80s favourites - including hits from Dave Dobbyn, Blondie, Belinda Carlisle, Madonna, Toto and more!"
Performances are Fri 24th and Sat 25th August. Shows start at 7.30pm in the Undercroft at the University of Canterbury. Tickets are $5 on the door, audiences are advised to arrive early to ensure they secure a seat. Musical direction by Sam Creed and Cameron Stewart.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Call for Writers for Dramasoc's 3Some
The University of Canterbury's Dramasoc is in the process of planning their annual 3Some event for September this year: 3 plays, 3 nights, $3 at the door. They are calling on playwrights of all ages and experience levels who want their short plays performed. The plays must be between around 15 and 30 minutes in length and any topic goes. Submissions are due 30th August, email to find out more. Calls for actors, directors and crew will be made later this month!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Show Announcements 26-JULY-12
This week, Elmwood Players presents its Winter Season of short plays, Triple Treat.
Performances are Wed-Sat, July 26th to August 4th. Shows start at 7.30pm at the Elmwood Auditorium. All tickets $12. To book tickets call 03 355 8874 or use the online booking form
This August, the Rangiora Players' are bringing us the NZ premiere of Louise Roche's musical play Girls' Night.
"A Girls Night this is, for sure. Louise Roche's emotive and witty script cuts
straight to the hearts of all those who spent their teens dancing around their handbags.
“The Imaginary Friend” By Neil Troost; Directed by Alexandra Le Cocq
A comedy about the dysfunctional relationship
between Karen and Roger. Karen is struggling to cope with Roger’s
increasingly erratic mental illness, while Roger’s imaginary friend Bob
is reeking havoc with his attempts at a normal life.
“No Clues at Tudor Close” By Tim Barcode; Directed by Sam Fisher
“No Clues at Tudor Close” By Tim Barcode; Directed by Sam Fisher
Imagine waking up in an English country house after a murder
has been committed with no memory of who you are, who they were or even
of the house or people around you.
Colonel Mustard has exactly this experience one autumn day as he tries to piece together how he got to Tudor Close ….
Performances are Wed-Sat, July 26th to August 4th. Shows start at 7.30pm at the Elmwood Auditorium. All tickets $12. To book tickets call 03 355 8874 or use the online booking form
This August, the Rangiora Players' are bringing us the NZ premiere of Louise Roche's musical play Girls' Night.
Sharon, a feisty disco gal who died in a moped accident and now returns, years later, as an angel to oversee the antics of her ageing friends.
And what a bunch of misfits they are; all recognisable caricatures of femininity. Amongst them is Anita, a Prozac dependent nutcase, there is boring Kate, who is tolerated because she does the driving and Lisa who tries to conceal her problems behind one big party.
It soon becomes evident that there is much more to these ladies than first impressions. Amidst the laughs and songs, some profound observations are made about all kinds of issues.
In Girls' Night, the girls replay their lives in flashbacks, in-between giving stirring renditions of seventies favourites."
Extracted from a review of the UK 2006 tour by Mike Martin in The Stage Reviews link to original review.
Performances are Wed-Sat, August 15-25. Shows start at 7.30pm at the Rangiora Little Theatre. All tickets $20. To book tickets, see the Rangiora Players' website. Note that this show is selling extremely quickly, with the final Thursday and Friday performances already sold out, so don't delay in booking tickets!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Calls For Cast & Crew 24-JULY-12
Auditions: Rangiora Players' October Production
The Rangiora Players will be presenting Roger Hall's "Market Forces", an immensely popular sequel to Hall's breakthrough play "Glide Time". The production is being directed by Dimitri Gibara.
Auditions will be held this weekend on the 28th July at the Rangiora Players Little Theatre at Northbrook Studios.
Roles available are as follows:
BERYL Female, Mid 40s
BRIAN Male, Late 30s/Early 40s
HUGH Male, Mid 50s
JIM Male, Pushing 60
JOHN Male, 50 years old
JULIE Female, Early 30s
RAEWYN Female, Worn down, late 30s
Perfomances: October 18th, 19th, 20th, 25th, 26th, 27th. Weekday performances are in the evenings (6:30pm call) and there may be matinee performances on the Saturdays.
For more information see their website or call as per below.
To book an audition time call Margaret (03) 313-8592
If you are interested in crewing this show, please get in touch with the Rangiora Players via the contact form on their website.
Auditions: Riccarton Players' Summer Musical Riccarton Players are also producing a Roger Hall classic this year, the very kiwi musical, Footrot Flats, based on Murray Ball's beloved comic strip. Auditions will be held on August 11th at West Spreydon School.
There are many lead, featured and chorus roles available, for a full list of required cast, please see the Riccarton Players' website.
Performance dates are November 20th - 24th at the Rudolf Steiner School Theatre.
For more information and to book an audition time please contact Doug Clarke on 021-252-1722 or
The Rangiora Players will be presenting Roger Hall's "Market Forces", an immensely popular sequel to Hall's breakthrough play "Glide Time". The production is being directed by Dimitri Gibara.
Auditions will be held this weekend on the 28th July at the Rangiora Players Little Theatre at Northbrook Studios.
Roles available are as follows:
BERYL Female, Mid 40s
BRIAN Male, Late 30s/Early 40s
HUGH Male, Mid 50s
JIM Male, Pushing 60
JOHN Male, 50 years old
JULIE Female, Early 30s
RAEWYN Female, Worn down, late 30s
Perfomances: October 18th, 19th, 20th, 25th, 26th, 27th. Weekday performances are in the evenings (6:30pm call) and there may be matinee performances on the Saturdays.
For more information see their website or call as per below.
To book an audition time call Margaret (03) 313-8592
If you are interested in crewing this show, please get in touch with the Rangiora Players via the contact form on their website.
Auditions: Riccarton Players' Summer Musical Riccarton Players are also producing a Roger Hall classic this year, the very kiwi musical, Footrot Flats, based on Murray Ball's beloved comic strip. Auditions will be held on August 11th at West Spreydon School.
There are many lead, featured and chorus roles available, for a full list of required cast, please see the Riccarton Players' website.
Performance dates are November 20th - 24th at the Rudolf Steiner School Theatre.
For more information and to book an audition time please contact Doug Clarke on 021-252-1722 or
Footrot Flats,
Market Forces,
Rangiora Little Theatre,
Rangiora Players,
Riccarton Players,
Roger Hall,
summer musical,
From today, this blog will be organised slightly differently. On Tuesdays, all current announcements for cast and crew will be published; on Thursdays announcements for current and upcoming shows will be made. Hopefully, this will lead to a more organised and consistent database.
If you come to the site on a Tuesday or Thursday evening and find no announcements have been made then it will be because there is no current audition or show information available, not because the site has not been updated.
Thank you for your patience while these changes are made. If you have any news on the Christchurch amateur theatre scene or a show you'd like to advertise, please drop me an email at
If you come to the site on a Tuesday or Thursday evening and find no announcements have been made then it will be because there is no current audition or show information available, not because the site has not been updated.
Thank you for your patience while these changes are made. If you have any news on the Christchurch amateur theatre scene or a show you'd like to advertise, please drop me an email at
Thursday, May 24, 2012
The New Zealand Broadcasting School is looking for three actors for a short 7-minute live multi-camera drama.
Set in a retirement home, this piece views an elderly man struggling to come to terms with his new living conditions. While plotting to escape, the piece progresses as a younger woman begins to attempt to connect with the man but ultimately fails as he lashes out at her. As she moves into the next room to speak with the Doctor, the elderly man overhears them discussing his condition- Alzheimer’s- and that he is getting worse.
The roles available are as follows the crew would like to emphasise that at this point they are focussing on looking for an actor to voice the doctor:
Elderly Man, Maurice Deans (60+): Male, strong lead actor, capable of realistic monologues.
Woman/Nurse, Lynn Deans (20-40): Female.
Doctor McKenzie (20-40): Male, Dominant with a strong voice, has minimal screen-time.
Contact Lauren Went to express interest via email
Friday, May 18, 2012
Break out the gin and roll down those stockings, auditions for Musoc's
production of Broadway hit CHICAGO are coming this Queen's Birthday
Audition times are 9am-4.30pm on the 3rd and 4th June with possible callbacks on the 5th.
Individual singing audition require auditionees to perform a song of their choice. A dance audition is also required of all auditionees and these will be held twice a day (12pm and 4.30pm) on both days of auditions.
Roles Required
ROXIE HART lead female mezzo
Naive, sexy, and selfish, Roxie has eyes only for the Vaudeville stage. A sympathetic character despite her selfishness.
VELMA KELLY lead female alto
Sarcastic, tough, sexy. An ex-Vaudeville performer. This character often acts as the hostess/narrator.
BILLY FLYNN lead male tenor
Persuasive, manipulative, sexy. Billy is a suave lawyer who will take any case that'll line his pockets.
AMOS HART lead male baritone
Timid, charming vulnerable. An unassuming, average guy. The only character in the show with totally pure motives.
MAMA MORTON lead female alto
Sexy, powerful, tough. The matron of the Cooky County Jail, believes every favour given should be returned.
MARY SUNSHINE supporting female/traditionally male soprano/counter tenor
Comedic character with a good-natured appearance who is a powerful gossip columnist.
A range of vocal, acting and dance ability required for chorus and cameo roles.
For further information, check out the event on Facebook. To book an audition time email James Huntly -
Audition times are 9am-4.30pm on the 3rd and 4th June with possible callbacks on the 5th.
Individual singing audition require auditionees to perform a song of their choice. A dance audition is also required of all auditionees and these will be held twice a day (12pm and 4.30pm) on both days of auditions.
In roaring twenties Chicago, in an underground setting of jazz, gin and guns, Roxie Hart murders her lover. Her gullible husband Amos is convinced he was a burglar and agrees to take the rap before finding out the truth, ultimately leading to Roxie's arrest. Roxie's incarceration means joining famous stage performer Velma Kelly on Muderess Row. The show follows the two characters in a battle for fame and freedom as they capitalize on their crimes and pre-trial publicity to make headlines and boost their stage careers.
Roles Required
ROXIE HART lead female mezzo
Naive, sexy, and selfish, Roxie has eyes only for the Vaudeville stage. A sympathetic character despite her selfishness.
VELMA KELLY lead female alto
Sarcastic, tough, sexy. An ex-Vaudeville performer. This character often acts as the hostess/narrator.
BILLY FLYNN lead male tenor
Persuasive, manipulative, sexy. Billy is a suave lawyer who will take any case that'll line his pockets.
AMOS HART lead male baritone
Timid, charming vulnerable. An unassuming, average guy. The only character in the show with totally pure motives.
MAMA MORTON lead female alto
Sexy, powerful, tough. The matron of the Cooky County Jail, believes every favour given should be returned.
MARY SUNSHINE supporting female/traditionally male soprano/counter tenor
Comedic character with a good-natured appearance who is a powerful gossip columnist.
A range of vocal, acting and dance ability required for chorus and cameo roles.
For further information, check out the event on Facebook. To book an audition time email James Huntly -
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Elmwood Players' presents HABEUS CORPUS
This June, Elmwood Players presents Alan Bennett's hilarious farce Habeus Corpus.
Habeus Corpus concerns the aging Dr. Arthur Wicksteed and his pursuit of a nubile patient, Felicity Rumpers. Wicksteed's wife, Muriel, is, in turn, lusting after the charming head of the BMA, Sir Percy Shorter, who, as well as being Wicksteed's old rival, turns out to be Felicity's father - the result of an under-the-table liaison during an air-raid with Lady Rumpers, her mother.
Felicity herself is pregnant and finds a way to cover it up in the hypochondriac son of Dr. Wicksteed, Dennis.
Meanwhile, Wicksteed's spinster sister Connie, ashamed of her flat-chestedness, has schemes of her own. The 'chorus' is provided by the lower-class, housekeeper Mrs Swabb.
Performances are Wed-Sat, June 13th to 20th. Shows start at 7.30pm, with a 2pm matinee Sat 16th. Tickets are $17/$13 (matinee price: $12). To book tickets call 03 355 8874 or use the online booking form. Directed by Brian Sullivan.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Tickets On Sale Now for ARPOV
Tickets are now on sale for the Riccarton Players' 2012 production of A Riccartonian Palace of Varieties (affectionately referred to as ARPOV by the Riccies). Performed in Old Town Music Hall style, ARPOV is a warming winter variety show of song and dance numbers. ARPOV is on this June, with 10 shows including 2 matinees. To find out more about the show or to book seats, see the Riccarton Players' website or phone (03) 3384 699.
Performances are Wed-Sat 6-16 June, 8pm start or 2pm Saturday matinee.
Tickets are $12/15
Performances are Wed-Sat 6-16 June, 8pm start or 2pm Saturday matinee.
Tickets are $12/15
Monday, May 7, 2012
Call For Production Team for CHICAGO
UC's Musoc has announced Chicago will be their major production for Spring 2012. They are currently looking to put a production team together. The show is to be directed by Michael Jamieson and will hit the stage this September.
The roles required are as follows:
Assistant Director
Musical Director
If you're interested in any of these positions, please email Hamish ( More information on this and other Musoc performances can be found on their website.
The roles required are as follows:
Assistant Director
Musical Director
If you're interested in any of these positions, please email Hamish ( More information on this and other Musoc performances can be found on their website.
The Riccarton Players are holding auditions this weekend for their Kidsfest production of The Three Little Pigs. The Riccies are looking for eight energetic and quick-thinking actors to play the Big Bad Wolf, the three wee pigs as well as several other well-known fairytale characters.
Auditions are this Saturday the 12th May between 12pm and 3pm at West Spreydon School, please contact JB on 021 576 969 or
Performances are in the July school holidays (4th to 15th July) at The Hagley Open Stage.
For more information, see the Riccarton Players' website.
Auditions are this Saturday the 12th May between 12pm and 3pm at West Spreydon School, please contact JB on 021 576 969 or
Performances are in the July school holidays (4th to 15th July) at The Hagley Open Stage.
For more information, see the Riccarton Players' website.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Theatre Workshops with Elmwood Players
This May, Elmwood Players - in association with NZ Theatre Federation - is offering acting and directing workshops, lead by some of Christchurch's most experienced thespians.
Actor's Workshop with Bryan Aitken
Restricted to 20 participants to ensure maximum engagement
Saturday and Sunday, 26 – 27 May, 10:00am to 5:00pm
Total Cost: $60 p/person
Course Details: Part #1 - Getting started – auditioning, preparation, basic stage craft and terminology. Part #2 - Enhancing your acting skills – stepping up to the next level. The Sunday 6 hour session will be working with the directors workshop
Saturday and Sunday, 26 – 27 May, 10:00am to 5:00pm
Total Cost: $60 p/person
Course Details: Part #1 - Getting started – auditioning, preparation, basic stage craft and terminology. Part #2 - Enhancing your acting skills – stepping up to the next level. The Sunday 6 hour session will be working with the directors workshop
Director's Workshop with Jon Pheloung
Restricted to 8 participants to ensure maximum engagement
Saturday and Sunday, 26 – 27 May, 10:00am to 5:00pm
Total Cost: $95 p/person
Course Details: A two day workshop for aspiring directors, or those who wish to further enhance their skills. You will work as a group for two sessions, then join the Acting group for the Sunday session, so that the tutor can mentor/side coach the directors whilst also working with the actors
For more information about the tutors, the workshops or Elmwood Players, see their official website.
Friday, April 20, 2012
AUDITIONS: Beauty and the Beast - Harlequin Players
Harlequin Players are holding auditions for their Kidsfest production of Beauty and the Beast.
Audition Times are Saturday April 28, from 1.15 to 5.45pm at St Aiden’s Church, Bryndwr and on Sunday April 29 from 11.30 to 3.30 at Abberley Hall, Abberley Crescent, St Albans.
Roles are available for 3 men and 4 women as well as some "Fairy Roles" for girls/teens. Singing required, dance ability preferred. Audition will require singing - children/teens advised to prepare something simple like Twinkle, Twinkle. If you would like to peruse the script beforehand, please advise so when making an audition appointment.
Rehearsals: Saturdays 1-6; Sundays 11:15-3:45, and Thursdays 6-8
(Extra rehearsals the week prior to the show)
Shows: Cashmere High School Auditorium, Rose St, Somerfield.
Mon 9 to Fri 13 Jul: 6:30pm-8:00pm. Sat 14 to Sun 15 Jul: 11:00am-12:30pm, 2:00pm-3:30pm
For more information see the event on Facebook or call/email as per below.
To book an audition time call 386 0526 or email
Audition Times are Saturday April 28, from 1.15 to 5.45pm at St Aiden’s Church, Bryndwr and on Sunday April 29 from 11.30 to 3.30 at Abberley Hall, Abberley Crescent, St Albans.
Roles are available for 3 men and 4 women as well as some "Fairy Roles" for girls/teens. Singing required, dance ability preferred. Audition will require singing - children/teens advised to prepare something simple like Twinkle, Twinkle. If you would like to peruse the script beforehand, please advise so when making an audition appointment.
Rehearsals: Saturdays 1-6; Sundays 11:15-3:45, and Thursdays 6-8
(Extra rehearsals the week prior to the show)
Shows: Cashmere High School Auditorium, Rose St, Somerfield.
Mon 9 to Fri 13 Jul: 6:30pm-8:00pm. Sat 14 to Sun 15 Jul: 11:00am-12:30pm, 2:00pm-3:30pm
For more information see the event on Facebook or call/email as per below.
To book an audition time call 386 0526 or email
Friday, April 13, 2012
REVIEW: Billy Goats Gruff
Noel the Troll and the three Billy Goats Gruff have one thing in common - they are all mightily hungry and want some grub to fill their tums. Fortunately for Noel, the goats will need to cross his bridge to get to the much greener grass on The Other Side. Sadly for our goat friends, goat is Noel's favourite food.
The simple tale of the Three Billy Goats Gruff comes to life on stage, each of the three goats a unique character (although only one of them is either gruff or a billy) with Sebastian Boyle as Granddaddy Goat the scene-stealer of the trio.
One of the highlights of the play is the construction of Noel the Troll, who is made up of three puppeteers, a big red mouth and huge googly eyes. Those involved in bringing Noel to life are to be congratulated for their creativity as well as their cohesion in performing separately as eyes, voice (Josh Bertwhistle) and limbs. Despite his terrible goat-eating habits, the audience can't help but empathise with Noel's plight and thanks to a delightful twist, he turns out to be our friend after all.
The show is funny and entertaining, most of the scripted gags aimed at the kids, although there are a few thrown in for Mum and Dad as well. Billy Goats Gruff is a clever and cute show and will charm a young audience.
The show is funny and entertaining, most of the scripted gags aimed at the kids, although there are a few thrown in for Mum and Dad as well. Billy Goats Gruff is a clever and cute show and will charm a young audience.
Billy Goats Gruff runs from the 7th - 22nd April at The Malthouse, 71 Colombo St. Performances are 11am and 2pm Saturday
and Sunday. Booking and more information is available on 0800 BOOKINGS. All tickets $7. Running time approx 45 minutes, recommended age 3-8 years.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Coming Up These School Holidays
Christchurch has plenty of theatrical entertainment to bring to the Easter school holidays...
Riccarton Players' Playbox - The Princess and the Frog
Another Playbox Theatre production is on its way from the Riccies. The Princess and the Frog and Other Stories, Songs and Poems will be on at the Open Stage at Hagley College. The show runs from April 12th to April 22nd, with performances 6pm on Thursdays and Fridays and 11am and 2pm on Saturdays and Sundays - tickets are $7 for everyone. Bookings are available online or on 03 338 4699.
Directed by Phil Dean and Susan Cameron. Running time approx 60 minutes.
The Playbox Theatre season often sells out quickly, so booking as early as possible is highly recommended.
Written by Scott Koorey, directed by Matt Powell. Running time approx 60 minutes.
If you have a kids' show on during the school holidays that you'd like to have added to this post, let me know via email.
Riccarton Players' Playbox - The Princess and the Frog
Another Playbox Theatre production is on its way from the Riccies. The Princess and the Frog and Other Stories, Songs and Poems will be on at the Open Stage at Hagley College. The show runs from April 12th to April 22nd, with performances 6pm on Thursdays and Fridays and 11am and 2pm on Saturdays and Sundays - tickets are $7 for everyone. Bookings are available online or on 03 338 4699.
Directed by Phil Dean and Susan Cameron. Running time approx 60 minutes.
The Playbox Theatre season often sells out quickly, so booking as early as possible is highly recommended.
The Malthouse presents their April season of Cushion Theatre, Billy Goats Gruff. The show runs weekends from the 7th to the 22 April with performances at 11am and 2pm. All seats are $7. Bookings are available via 0800 BOOKINGS or find out more online.
If you have a kids' show on during the school holidays that you'd like to have added to this post, let me know via email.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Autumn Theatre News from UC
The students at the University of Canterbury have a few theatre announcements for this Autumn.
The University of Canterbury's Drama Society is holding its Half-Annual General Meeting on the 28 March at 6pm (location TBC see here for more details). All members are welcome as committee elections will be taking place at this meeting.
The University of Canterbury Musical Theatre Society is putting a call out for interest in their UCSA Arts Week event. They are looking for ideas for themes and volunteers for production roles. The event is likely to be a medium-scale cabaret. Email if you'd like to get in touch.
Musoc is also holding a workshop this week for people wanting to improve singing skills, with a focus on basic music theory and the beginnings of singing technique. See here for more info or email to book a place.
And finally from Musoc, auditions are being held next weekend for their new show choir. The show choir is a break away from their 2010 and 2011 "Glee Club" and will focus on fast-paced learning and cabaret-style performances. See here for details or email
The University of Canterbury's Drama Society is holding its Half-Annual General Meeting on the 28 March at 6pm (location TBC see here for more details). All members are welcome as committee elections will be taking place at this meeting.
The University of Canterbury Musical Theatre Society is putting a call out for interest in their UCSA Arts Week event. They are looking for ideas for themes and volunteers for production roles. The event is likely to be a medium-scale cabaret. Email if you'd like to get in touch.
Musoc is also holding a workshop this week for people wanting to improve singing skills, with a focus on basic music theory and the beginnings of singing technique. See here for more info or email to book a place.
And finally from Musoc, auditions are being held next weekend for their new show choir. The show choir is a break away from their 2010 and 2011 "Glee Club" and will focus on fast-paced learning and cabaret-style performances. See here for details or email
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Riccarton Players presents After September
Riccarton Players will be performing After September this April on the Open Stage at Hagley College.
This is a warm, touching and often very funny play - set in the early 1960s.
After September runs from 11-21 April (shows are Wednesday through Saturday), performances start at 8pm and tickets are priced $18/$15. Bookings are available on 03 338 4699 or through the Riccarton Players website.
The staff of the Gwendolen Kyte School for Girls are an odd assortment of social misfits and eccentric types, some of whom have been at the school for over twenty years.
The day before the new term begins they return to a catalogue of catastrophe: a ceiling has collapsed, the staff will have to share their quarters, and there is no food yet because the bills have not been paid from the last term. Tension reaches breaking point when a government inspector arrives with anonymous letters defaming the school as outmoded, old-fashioned and unsafe, and the staff unqualified.
Who could have betrayed them? And if the school is closed down, where will they go?
This is a warm, touching and often very funny play - set in the early 1960s.
After September runs from 11-21 April (shows are Wednesday through Saturday), performances start at 8pm and tickets are priced $18/$15. Bookings are available on 03 338 4699 or through the Riccarton Players website.
AUDITIONS: Habeus Corpus
Elmwood Players is holding auditions this month for its upcoming production, Habeas Corpus
By Alan Bennet.
The play is a farce with great lines and scenes for all actors.
Roles Available
Arthur Wicksteed: Age 50-60 Stage age 53
Muriel Wicksteed: Age 50-60 Stage age 50 (dancing ability preferred)
Dennis Wicksteed: Age 20-30
Constance Wicksteed: Age 30-40
Mrs Swabb: Mature (could be played by either gender).
Canon Throbbing: Age 30-40
Lady Rumpers: Age 50-60
Felicity Rumpers: Age 20-30
Mr Shanks: Mature (prefer slender build)
Sir Percy Shorter: Age 50-60 (must be of short stature)
Mr Purdue: Mature
Performances begin on the 13 June. For further details see the Elmwood Players' website or contact Brian Sullivan Ph. 352 9530 or email
The play is a farce with great lines and scenes for all actors.
Roles Available
Arthur Wicksteed: Age 50-60 Stage age 53
Muriel Wicksteed: Age 50-60 Stage age 50 (dancing ability preferred)
Dennis Wicksteed: Age 20-30
Constance Wicksteed: Age 30-40
Mrs Swabb: Mature (could be played by either gender).
Canon Throbbing: Age 30-40
Lady Rumpers: Age 50-60
Felicity Rumpers: Age 20-30
Mr Shanks: Mature (prefer slender build)
Sir Percy Shorter: Age 50-60 (must be of short stature)
Mr Purdue: Mature
Performances begin on the 13 June. For further details see the Elmwood Players' website or contact Brian Sullivan Ph. 352 9530 or email
Elmwood Players presents Katydid
Elmwood Players are excited to present the South Island premiere of
the award winning New Zealand drama Katydid. Directed by Garry
Thomas, the play finally reaches Christchurch after a sell-out season at
BATS Theatre in Wellington in 2010.
What follows is a searing examination of a family unraveled by the strains of living with disability, and living with each other.
Katydid runs from 11-21 April (performances Wednesday through Saturday) at the Elmwood Auditorium. Performances start at 7.30pm and ticket prices are $17/$13. To book phone 03 355 8874 or go to the Elmwood Players' website.
Nineteen-year-old Kate is daddy's little girl. He feeds her, bathes her, and keeps her safe from the obstacle course of 'normal' life. But, when daddy gets sick, and a handsome boy arrives to pick up the slack, Kate sees an opportunity to flee the tower. Like any other young woman her age, Kate clashes with her parents and longs to make her mark on the world. But Kate has cerebral palsy. With her father clinging to his little girl for comfort, and her mother clinging to her Southern Comfort, no one could blame Kate for seeking solace in an unwitting young man who has been brought in to help.
What follows is a searing examination of a family unraveled by the strains of living with disability, and living with each other.
Katydid runs from 11-21 April (performances Wednesday through Saturday) at the Elmwood Auditorium. Performances start at 7.30pm and ticket prices are $17/$13. To book phone 03 355 8874 or go to the Elmwood Players' website.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
REVIEW: Musoc presents the Get It ON! season of RENT
A stripper, a guitarist, a filmmaker, two lesbians, an
anarchist and a drag queen. Although
this sounds like a cross between the start of a terrible Walked Into a Bar joke
and the cast of a very kinky blue movie, it’s actually the recipe for Rent – a
deeply touching story about human survival.
Rent is a well-loved musical that is often billed as a “year in the life
of friends” but this just skims the surface of what the show is about. Set in New York City, Rent centres on Mark and
Roger (who share a freezing loft apartment they can’t pay rent for), their
friends and lovers, and the ripple effects of events that take place on one
Christmas Eve. The story revolves around
the struggle of the main characters as they live with, die from and survive the
HIV virus. Rent is not your cliché
struggling-artists story, but instead is a story of survival and the difference
between living life and waiting for death.
Rent has some pretty big themes and a cult following, as
well as huge musical numbers (it’s almost completely sung-through with very
little spoken dialogue) so for a university club to take on the challenge of
producing it is impressive. Musoc’s Get
It On! season of Rent does not disappoint.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Singing Lessons
As well as a blogger and thespian, I'm a singer. At the moment, I'm offering singing tuition to both beginners and to those who feel the need to brush up on the basics again. I've had two full years of one-on-one vocal tuition as well as experience singing in musicals and several choirs including the Christchurch Pops Choir under the musical direction of Luke di Somma.
If you'd be interested in singing lessons, please give me a text on 022 132 0357 or send me an email to
If you'd be interested in singing lessons, please give me a text on 022 132 0357 or send me an email to
Musoc presents RENT
Thanks to Get It On! NZ, Musoc will be performing Jonathan Larsen's Tony Award winning musical RENT.
Directed by Sam Creed and Merryn Patrick
Musical Direction by Cameron Stewart and Benjamin McKellar
Choreography by Jessie Budd
For more info, see the event page on Facebook or the Musoc website.
Based loosely on Puccini's "La Boheme", RENT tells the story of one year in the life of friends living the Bohemian life in modern East Village, New York City, 1989-1990. Among the group are our narrator, nerdy love-struck filmmaker Mark Cohen; the object of Mark's affection, his former girlfriend, Maureen Johnson; Maureen's Harvard-educated public interest lawyer and lesbian lover Joanne Jefferson; Mark's roommate, HIV-positive musician and former junkie, Roger David; Roger's new girlfriend, the HIV-positive drug addicted S&M dancer, Mimi Marquez; their former roommate, HIV-positive computer genius Tom Collins; Collins' HIV-Positive drag queen street musician/lover Angel; and Benjamin Coffin III, a former member of the group who married for money and has since become their landlord and the opposite of the group's Bohemian values. This show demonstrates how much changes or doesn't change in the 525, 600 minutes that make up a year.RENT runs from Wednesday 7th March to Saturday March 31st, with shows on the Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week.
Tickets can be purchased online, or in the UC Central Library foyer between 10am-2pm (cash only) - door sales may also be available.
Performances start at 7.30pm.
Tickets are $15 or $12 for students.
Directed by Sam Creed and Merryn Patrick
Musical Direction by Cameron Stewart and Benjamin McKellar
Choreography by Jessie Budd
For more info, see the event page on Facebook or the Musoc website.
Cantebrury Children's Theatre is holding auditions this weekend for Billy Goats Gruff. They are not just looking for actors but also puppeteers to operate the grumpy old troll and budding percussionists to create on-stage sound effects.
This is a very cool opportunity that doesn't appear often - no experience is needed if you want to be a puppeteer or coconut-banging "audio technician".
If this sounds like it might be up your alley, email Matt - - ASAP to book an audition slot.
For more info, see the event page on Facebook.
This is a very cool opportunity that doesn't appear often - no experience is needed if you want to be a puppeteer or coconut-banging "audio technician".
If this sounds like it might be up your alley, email Matt - - ASAP to book an audition slot.
For more info, see the event page on Facebook.
The NCMS presents Blood Brothers
The North Canterbury Musical Society is performing the musical Blood Brothers in the upcoming weeks:
Blood Brothers is set in Liverpool from the 1960’s – 1980’s and tells the story of two twins who are separated at birth and go on to lead drastically different lives. However, fate conspires to bring the brothers together again after they both fall in love with the same girl, with tragic consequences.
Despite their usual venue of the Rangiora Town Hall being out of action due to earthquake damage, the NCMS has soldiered on, and will be performing in The Chervier Centre in Rangiora.
Blood Brothers runs from Thursday March 15th to Saturday March 31st, with shows on the Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week.
Tickets can be purchased online.
Performances start at 7.30pm with a 2pm matinee on the Saturdays.
Tickets are $20/25 with discounts available for group bookings.
Director: Tom Hart
Musical Director: Hamish Oliver
Vocal coach: Leanne O'MahonyIf you have any objections to anything posted on this blog, please raise your concerns with me - I will remove offending material if necessary.
The Riccarton Players Presents DEATH & TAXE$
The Riccarton Players will be performing DEATH & TAXE$ this month:
"Death & Taxe$" is a madcap financial farce set in the very topical world of insurance, investments and KiwiSaver! It's a crime story. It's a ghost story. It’s a hilarious comedy featuring dodgy deals, a potty psychic, a fishy tax inspector, a nutty cop, murder, mayhem and a hairy Yak!
DEATH & TAXE$ runs from Wednesday 7 March to the 17th on the Open Stage at Hagley College.
Tickets can be booked online, or by calling 03 3384 699.
Performances start at 8pm.
Tickets are $18 Waged, $15 Student/Unwaged.
Directed by Craig Hutchinson.
For more information, see the Riccarton Players' website.
If you have any objections to anything posted on this blog, please raise your concerns with me - I will remove offending material if necessary.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Riccarton Players are holding auditions this month for their upcoming Playbox production of the Princess and the Frog. Directors Phil Dean and Susan Cameron are looking for six enthusiastic and energetic actors of any age for this one-hour, interactive kids' show.
Auditions will be held Saturday the 25th February between 12pm and 5pm in Bishopdale.
Performance dates are April 12th to 22nd.
Contact Claire Clark on 021-0237-3855 or see the Riccarton Players' website for further information.
Auditions will be held Saturday the 25th February between 12pm and 5pm in Bishopdale.
Performance dates are April 12th to 22nd.
Contact Claire Clark on 021-0237-3855 or see the Riccarton Players' website for further information.
Vintage Hitchcock: A Live Radio Play
A one-night only feature of UCSA Orientation 2012, Erin Harrington and Lilly Thomson present the NZ professional premiere of VINTAGE
Featuring Matt Powell, John Ussher, Kim Georgine, Damien McGrath and Lizzie Tollemache with Matt Everingham.
Directed and produced by Lilly Thomson and Erin Harrington
7:30pm, Wednesday 22 February
C1 Lecture Theatre, University of Canterbury
Tickets $10 on the door, with pre sales available at UC cafes.
Suitable for all ages.
Come join us for an evening of adaptations of three early films directed by Alfred Hitchcock: "The Lodger," "Sabotage" and "The 39 Steps." Watch these stories come to life in the style of a 1940s radio broadcast with five actors playing almost 70 parts - expect explosions, high speed chases, parades, numerous acts of espionage and terrorism and a healthy dose of light murder.
The actors are live, the sound effects are live, the music is live - but some of the characters, unfortunately, may not be alive for long.
Featuring Matt Powell, John Ussher, Kim Georgine, Damien McGrath and Lizzie Tollemache with Matt Everingham.
Directed and produced by Lilly Thomson and Erin Harrington
7:30pm, Wednesday 22 February
C1 Lecture Theatre, University of Canterbury
Tickets $10 on the door, with pre sales available at UC cafes.
Suitable for all ages.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Call For Actors For Short Film
A fourth year Fine Arts student from the University of Canterbury is on the look out for actors to perform in a short film. The shoot will take place between April and July, dates are yet to be confirmed. Further information is available from the StarNow listing or contact Clara at to express your interest (please include a contact number and headshot).
Monday, February 6, 2012
Potential New Page
I'm very sure that there are many aspiring choreographers, directors, stage managers and more in Christchurch who want to get some hands-on experience who just aren't sure how to go about it. I also know for a fact that there are many clubs around town who are on the lookout for such young talent and but just don't know how to reach these people.
I am therefore considering dedicating a page of this blog to helping clubs and communities find the backstage talent that they need. This page would act as a kind of database where those looking for work as directors (etc) could give their name, abilities and any previous experience along with an email address to contact.
My hope is that those who are looking to put a show together will have access to potential personnel who suit their needs, and that there will be more choice both for those looking to up-skill and gain experience, and also for those clubs wanting to incorporate new talent into their communities.
I'd be very interested to hear your feedback on this idea. Would you use such a database? Would it be helpful or a hindrance to you? What kind of information would you want available? How would you like it formatted? Please let me know in the comments below or via email.
Thank you in advance for your ideas and feedback!
I am therefore considering dedicating a page of this blog to helping clubs and communities find the backstage talent that they need. This page would act as a kind of database where those looking for work as directors (etc) could give their name, abilities and any previous experience along with an email address to contact.
My hope is that those who are looking to put a show together will have access to potential personnel who suit their needs, and that there will be more choice both for those looking to up-skill and gain experience, and also for those clubs wanting to incorporate new talent into their communities.
I'd be very interested to hear your feedback on this idea. Would you use such a database? Would it be helpful or a hindrance to you? What kind of information would you want available? How would you like it formatted? Please let me know in the comments below or via email.
Thank you in advance for your ideas and feedback!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Elmwood Players' AGM and the 6th Annual Woodies Awards
The Elmwood Players' Annual General Meeting will take place on the 26th February at 4pm in the Elmwood Auditorium.
If you haven't voted yet for their annual Woodies' awards, there's still time - see their website for the voting form (you don't have to be a member to vote!).
If you haven't voted yet for their annual Woodies' awards, there's still time - see their website for the voting form (you don't have to be a member to vote!).
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Riccarton Players will be holding auditions this month for Death & Taxes, a New Zealand comedy by April Phillips:
GARETH BURKE - Middle or late middle-aged insurance agent. An arrogant, show-off who thinks he’s God’s gift. Gareth gesticulates punctuation.
TIFFANY MARTIN - Late 20’s/early 30’s – Receptionist. A bimbo with attitude and a gold digger.
ENID BURKE - Middle or late middle-aged – Gareth’s wife. A domineering, large, intimidating woman with expensive taste.
BOB GREENE - Early 40’s. An unambitious insurance agent. Nice and polite and single; still lives with his mother.
LUCILLE POTTS - Middle-aged female insurance agent. Lucille is an ambitious saleswoman. She is a dowdy, frumpy spinster and although confident in business, she is extremely uncomfortable with anything of a sexual or personal nature.
DOUGLAS GRAVES - Middle-aged Business Development Manager. Nasal and monotone, unsmiling and slightly creepy. Think of Mr Bean crossed with the manic depressive robot from “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy”
TED PATCHETT - 30’s or 40’s – detective inspector who habitually quotes from movies and impersonates his favourite stars.
ELIZABETH BATTERSEA - Aged 68 – a forthright widow who doesn’t suffer fools and speaks her mind.
Performance dates are March 7th to 17th. Auditions are on Saturday, January 14th - to book an audition time or to find out more, contact Craig Hutchison on 027 439 9691 or
"Death &Taxe$" is a madcap financial farce set in the very topical world of insurance, investments and KiwiSaver! It's a crime story. It's a ghost story. It’s a hilarious comedy featuring dodgy deals, a potty psychic, a fishy tax inspector, a nutty cop, murder, mayhem and a hairy Yak!The cast includes the following characters:
GARETH BURKE - Middle or late middle-aged insurance agent. An arrogant, show-off who thinks he’s God’s gift. Gareth gesticulates punctuation.
TIFFANY MARTIN - Late 20’s/early 30’s – Receptionist. A bimbo with attitude and a gold digger.
ENID BURKE - Middle or late middle-aged – Gareth’s wife. A domineering, large, intimidating woman with expensive taste.
BOB GREENE - Early 40’s. An unambitious insurance agent. Nice and polite and single; still lives with his mother.
LUCILLE POTTS - Middle-aged female insurance agent. Lucille is an ambitious saleswoman. She is a dowdy, frumpy spinster and although confident in business, she is extremely uncomfortable with anything of a sexual or personal nature.
DOUGLAS GRAVES - Middle-aged Business Development Manager. Nasal and monotone, unsmiling and slightly creepy. Think of Mr Bean crossed with the manic depressive robot from “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy”
TED PATCHETT - 30’s or 40’s – detective inspector who habitually quotes from movies and impersonates his favourite stars.
ELIZABETH BATTERSEA - Aged 68 – a forthright widow who doesn’t suffer fools and speaks her mind.
Performance dates are March 7th to 17th. Auditions are on Saturday, January 14th - to book an audition time or to find out more, contact Craig Hutchison on 027 439 9691 or
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